General Crime

What we do

Counsel from 9KBW appear in every level of the Criminal Courts, from the Magistrates Courts through to the Crown Courts, the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

Over the years, the level and breadth of Chambers work and the skill and expertise of our members has gained Chambers a stellar reputation for standards of excellence, amongst those who instruct us and within the wider Criminal Justice System. This is a reputation that we are extremely proud of and everyone in Chambers works at the highest level, to maintain the confidence that our adherence to those standards of excellence brings, to all of our professional and lay clients.

The full range of the work we undertake varies from the most serious of crimes down to the simplest road traffic offences. Whatever level the case may be, our standards do not change. Whether the charge is murder or driving with excess alcohol, we provide our clients with the same first class service, delivered by a highly skilled, professional, knowledgeable and dedicated team of people.

We will strive at all times to act in the best interests of our clients, and equally in the best interests of those who are the victim of a crime.

Our members will make whatever arrangements are needed in order to hold conferences, either in Chambers, where we have dedicated conference facilities, at Solicitors offices, His Majesty’s Prisons, or at any other suitable venue.

Defence solicitors or Prosecuting authorities, who wish to discuss choice of Counsel, the availability of that counsel of choice, or levels of fees in privately funded matters, may contact any one of the clerking team, who will be very happy to discuss and advise upon the most suitable options.

Our members have extensive experience in all areas of criminal law and at every level. Those instructing 9KBW will always have a wide choice of Counsel and can discuss with the clerks the qualities and experience that they require for each individual case. We want you to have the right person for your case, whether it is a case of rape or that of a traffic offence. The satisfaction of our clients, our agencies, is of paramount importance to us.

We defend and prosecute, fearlessly and robustly. We offer you Counsel of the highest calibre. We want to provide you with the best possible service, beginning with your introductory telephone call until the final discussion in your case

You can learn more about the more serious and complex cases that Chambers members have been instructed in by clicking the links to the sub headings Serious and Organised Crime and Financial Crime and Serious Fraud.

We also highlight the expertise of our specialists in our pages on Extradition and Animal Protection Law.

Just click the link to a particular case or to the name of Counsel under Members to view the full  profile of any member that  you would like to instruct

We have a very experienced clerking team, led by our Senior Clerk Dave Fardon, and they will always be happy to discuss any enquiry with you. Their details can be found under Staff.

Chambers accepts instructions on both a privately paid or a publicly funded basis. For those clients who are paying fees privately through an instructing solicitor and for those who wish to instruct a barrister under the Direct Public Access scheme, more details can be found on both the Direct Public Access page and the About Us page, sub heading Fee Scales, where there is a guide to the general level of fees charged, and in what circumstances.

Our members are instructed in criminal cases of every description. We undertake cases including the offences shown below, for both defence and prosecution.

The headings below are links to pages which show specific examples of the kinds of cases members are instructed in; 

Neither the areas of law covered in the linked pages above, or the following offences, are an exhaustive list of the types of cases Chambers deals with. Our members accept instructions in every area of Criminal Law, amongst which are;

  • Youth Court offences
  • Cyber Crime
  • Stalking and Harassment
  • Arson
  • Criminal Damage
  • Burglary
  • Public Disorder and Affray
  • Indecent Exposure


Laura Paisley

Laura Paisley secures suspended sentence for offences of Grievous Bodily Harm with Intent and Attempted...