Jonathan Mole
Joint Head of Chambers
LLB (Southampton)
BVC (College of Law)
Areas Of Work:
Criminal Law specialist - Defending and Prosecuting in Serious Crime. Considerable experience in cases of murder, violent and serious sexual offences, firearms, drug importation and supply, arson and fraud.
Grade 4. CPS Panel Advocate and Rape List Counsel. Also instructed by the RSPCA to Prosecute offences under the Animal Welfare Act.
Particular experience in cases which have issues relating to the Islamic community including so-called ‘honour crime’’ - appeared in cases involving allegations of kidnap, rape and serious violence often within extended families.
Recent cases:
- R v JO and Others – Junior Counsel for defence in 4-handed murder case. 5 week trial at St Albans CC [2023].
- R v DJ – Junior Counsel for defence in murder trial. Issue of self-defence. Disputed pathological, blood spatter and toxicological evidence.
- R v [a youth] – Defence counsel for first of four defendants charged with s18 and Aggravated Burglary. [re-trial set for August 2023].
- R v KR – Counsel for first of 7 defendants charged with conspiracy to kidnap a baby. 6 week trial at Woolwich CC.
- R v W and Others (Defence) Conspiracy to steal involving a staged cash-in-transit robbery. Significant cell-site and DNA expert evidence. 4 week trial at Maidstone CC.
- R v C and Others (Defence): Conspiracy to Supply Class A drugs. 7 week trial at Woolwich CC.
- R v S and others (Prosecution): 4-handed kidnap case – Victim seized in London and taken to Yorkshire and subjected to serious violence.
- R v W (Defence): Representing man in his 70s charged with the assault by penetration of a 7-year-old girl.
Previous cases of note include:
Murder/Serious violence:
- R v DW – Junior Counsel in 5-handed murder / attempted murder trial. Defendant acquitted.
- R v M (Defence): s18. Representing a man charged with causing ‘life-changing injuries’. Defence includes psychiatric issues arising from sexual violence and torture.
- R v A (Defence):Counsel for one of 3 siblings charged with ‘Honour Violence’ offences of Kidnap, False Imprisonment, ABH. Acquitted of more serious charges and conditionally discharged following month-long trial at Winchester CC.
Sexual Offences:
- R v T (Defence): Counsel for one of 7 young defendants (client aged 14) charged with the multiple oral rape of a 13-year-old girl. Acquitted.
- R v BM (Defence): Representing 15-year-old boy charged with the Rape of a 43-year-old woman at a party. Principal eye-witnesses were the mother of the complainant and her young son who had special needs. Issues included capacity to consent due to intoxication. Acquitted.
- R v K (Defence): Representing man charged with the systematic sexual abuse of his daughter over a 10 year period. Acquitted of all 15 Counts on the indictment.
- R v A (Defence): Representing a devout Muslim charged with the rape of a male. Acquitted.
- R v R (Prosecution): Successful prosecution on charge of oral rape. Complainant had consented to some sexual activity before withdrawing consent.
- R v W (Defence): ‘A4e Fraud’. Counsel for one of 13 defendants (7 at trial) charged with conspiracy to make and use false documents to defraud the DWP. 10 week trial.
- R v W (Defence):Counsel for man charged with fraudulent use of Power of Attorney over mother’s affairs in sums of over half a million pounds.
Drug Offences:
- R v B (Defence): Counsel for one of 7 defendants tried for conspiracy to produce cannabis on an industrial scaled in warehouses across the Midlands. Defendant acquitted of the conspiracy following submission of no case to answer – suspended sentence imposed having pleaded guilty to PWITS.
- R v U (Defence): Counsel for first of 7 defendants charged with several conspiracies to import heroin from Bangladesh. 3 month trial at Winchester CC. Resulting POCA proceedings saw attempts to confiscate in excess of 1 million pounds and the equity in a number of properties.
- R v Sohail (Defence): Counsel for one of 7 defendants charged with conspiracy to supply heroin and cocaine. Part of linked conspiracies across South East of England with Prosecutions of 13 defendants at 3 Courts.
Reported case:
- R v Ferguson and others - [2005] All ER (D) 32 (Apr). Counsel for 17-year-old defendant charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. Sentence successfully appealed.
Qualified to accept instructions directly from the public in all aspects of criminal law. For full details of our direct access practitioners and the services we can provide please click the link to our direct public access page.
Member of the Criminal Bar Association. Member of South Eastern Circuit.
Prior to joining the Bar, worked for Herbert Smith Solicitors 1999-2000 and was involved in the "Rogue Trader" litigation (Barings Plc v Coopers and Lybrand Singapore).
Jonathan Mole is regulated by the Bar Standards Board, holds a current practising certificate and their details can be found on the BSB’s Barrister Register'-register/
Jonathan Mole holds insurance cover for all legal services supplied through professional indemnity insurance with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund (BMIF) The coverage is worldwide subject to their terms which are available on their website
Jonathan Mole is registered with the Information Commissioners office under the Data Protection Act
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