CPS Pupillage Secondment


Chambers is very pleased to offer pupils undertaking pupillage with the CPS the opportunity of a one month secondment at 9 King’s Bench Walk.


There are four places, each for a period of one month and available for the period April 1st to March 31st each year.


Chambers has a highly detailed and focused Training Programme for Pupils, designed to allow every pupil to aim at meeting each of the competences set out in the Bar Standards Board Professional Statement.
A secondment with 9KBW will offer the pupil secondee the opportunity to observe or participate in the following;

  • Attend and observe proceedings at the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Courts, as well as the Court of Appeal where possible.
  • Attend Regulatory Tribunals and Extradition hearings where possible.
  • A Observe completed proceedings in all types of hearing in each of those courts.

A secondee pupil will be expected to expand their experience and knowledge on how to prepare a brief, both in relation to pre-hearing work such as, but not necessarily limited to, drafting indictments, defence case statements, opening notes, grounds of appeal and skeleton arguments and preparation for the hearin2g itself, such as preparing examinations in chief, cross examinations, speeches and any legal submissions.

  • Undertaking legal research (including tasks within areas of law and practice never previously encountered by the pupil).
  • Further advocacy training in the conduct of small applications may be given by members of Chambers (not limited to the pupil supervisors)
  • The opportunity to spend time with the clerking team to both observe and ask questions of the team about the daily operation of a busy clerks room.


Secondments are not funded and we do not pay for travel or other expenses.


Only those currently undertaking a pupillage with CPS or have a firm offer of pupillage are eligible to apply. Those applicants with a firm offer can only undertake the secondment once they have completed at least one month of their pupillage period with the CPS.
Any applicant must be able to live and work in the UK
Applications for a secondment should be made by way of a CV, setting out previous academic and work history, and a letter of application in which the applicant addresses the following;

  • Why they are applying to 9 KBW in particular.
  • What areas of law they are interested in.
  • Details of any achievements, whether academic or otherwise, that demonstrate skills or abilities that are relevant to or transferrable to a long term career at the bar
  • Dates of availability, for a one month consecutive period, throughout 2025 (excluding the Xmas and New Year period)
  • Confirmation that they are authorised to live and work in the UK
  • Short details of how or where they heard about the opportunity for a secondment at 9 KBW

The application window will be open from January 6th 2025 and applications for 2025/2026 can be made at any time throughout the year.


Our basic criteria for selecting secondees are similar to that for selecting Chambers pupils, namely academic as well as non-academic achievements, evidence of written skills as demonstrated within their application, and commitment to a career at the Bar 
The selection team will also be looking for;

  • A well written application
  • That the applicant demonstrates an understanding in their application of how Chambers operates and in which areas of law


A candidate’s application will be reviewed by a two person selection panel, one of whom is the Senior Clerk, who assess whether the application meets Chambers criteria.
Successful applicants will be informed of the decision, given a date for the secondment and a copy of Chambers Handbook for Pupils, which provides detailed information about Chambers, our members and policies and information that applicants will need, whilst undertaking a secondment with us.
The applicant will also be provided with a number of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policies.
If the selection team agree that the application does not satisfy the criteria, then the application is rejected and the applicant informed accordingly.
If the Members disagree on selection, then the application is referred to one of the Heads of Chambers, for a casting decision.


Chambers has a full Privacy Notice and Policy which can be found in the footer
All individual members have their own Privacy Notices which can be downloaded through their profiles.
Secondees should read and familiarise themselves with both Chambers Privacy Notice and Policy prior to commencement of their time with 9KBW.
Each secondee will be asked to sign a document setting out that they have read and understood the terms of 9 KBW policy and their responsibilities in respect of Confidentiality of Information, Data Sharing and any other related matters of confidentiality.
A copy of a confidentiality agreement will be sent to each secondee on acceptance of a place with 9KBW and should be signed and e mailed to Christine Eadie. A hard copy should be signed and given to the clerks on commencement of the secondment.


If applicants require any form of Reasonable Adjustments, please contact our Accessibility Officer Robyn Murdo-Smith on robyn.murdo-smith@9kbw.co.uk or Christine Eadie, our Managing Consultant on chistine@9kbw.com
Our Reasonable Adjustments Policy is published on the Equality and Diversity page of our website or can be made available in hard copy form on request to Christine Eadie christine@9kbw.com


Applicants should apply by e-mailing Christine Eadie attaching a CV and a covering letter that addresses the criteria above and includes dates of availability throughout their pupillage year.


Chambers has a robust Equality, Diversity and inclusion Policy, combined with supportive and clear policies on Fair Recruitment, Dignity at Work, Anti-Harassment, Flexible Working, Reasonable Adjustments and Fair Work Allocation. Details of many of our Policies can be found under our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion page and copies of any policies relevant to Pupillage, not set out in full on our website, can be obtained upon request from Christine Eadie.

9KBW will not discriminate against any pupil, probationary tenant, or any applicant for pupillage, for a probationary tenancy or for tenancy, on the grounds of race, sex, gender reassignment, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, age or political persuasion. At 9KBW we select candidates strictly according to demonstrated merit.


We would be grateful if each applicant would complete an Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form.
This allows us to review our data annually and to ensure that Chambers meets its statutory duty under the Equality Act 2010 as well as assisting us in developing our Equality Action Plan and Recruitment Policy for the future.
Please click HERE to download the form and send the completed version to our Equality and Diversity Data Officer clara.sibanda@9kbw.co.uk


A copy of our Pupillage Policy can be downloaded HERE or by request to christine@9kbw.com
A copy of the Pupillage Policy will be supplied automatically to successful applicants.



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